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Sunday, September 1, 2013

You have joined a bank and are investing in a wardrobe. Here are some useful tips for getting the most of your clothes.

9:43 PM By

Mubarakbad on your new job – and seeing the importance of dressing well and of course taking time out and thinking about your clothes as otherwise you would not have been reading this piece of advise from me. Yes, if you take care of your clothes, they will last you longer and look better on you. A little effort on your part increases the life of your clothes and does not cost much.

A clean suit

Dry cleaning and chemicals go hand in hand and hence should be restricted to not more than once a season. A dry cleaner who knows his business can spot –cleans small accidents and hand press the suit to refresh and bring it to shape.
Lint brush at the end of the day removes surface dust, hair and dirt.

Mix it up

All clothes like all other things in life have a certain life span and the life span of clothing is determined by how many washes it will withstand. So to increase the life of your clothing it is advisable to avoid wearing them on consecutive days. A man’s wardrobe should consist of five seasonally appropriate suits and a couple of jackets in rotation.

By the Neck

Ties should be always untied and never pulled. Hang your ties from their midpoint on tie racks as this will relax the inner lining and the tie will reacquire its original condition.

If the shirt fits

Careless laundering, starch and very hot water are responsible for our clothing’s short span. Shirts should be laundered at home and hanged in a shaded place, inside out and ironed while still damp. Collar stays give firmness to the collars and provide the ideal framing of your tie but should be removed before laundering or dry cleaning.


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